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Hematite is iconic and known since dozens of centuries. Hematite was already used by Ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia 3000 years ago. Ancient Egyptians used Hematite to protect their soldiers and put Hematite talismans in their tombs. This gemstone name means literally “blood red stone” in ancient Greek. Actually Mars appears red because of the presence of Hematite on its surface.

Many benefits are recognized for Hematite. This gemstone provides you with focus to help in your day to day life but also in challenging situations. Hematite is known for improving self-confidence, driving wiser and faster decisions.  Blood detoxification, circulation, high blood pressure, anemia, kidney problems are also reported to be treated with Hematite.

Not many places on earth produce prime quality Hematite gemstones, Brazil and South Africa are amongst these countries.


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